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notice: LB753​

LB753 is a bill that was recently introduced in the Nebraska Legislature that will offer a
dollar-for-dollar, government-funded tax credit to individuals and businesses that
support private school tuition. As a tax credit, which is different from and more
advantageous than a tax deduction, these are otherwise taxable dollars that would exit
our tax base and therefore not be available to pay for any state services, including
funding for public schools.  Given this bill could have a detrimental impact on public education funding in our state,
we strongly encourage parents, guardians, and community members to get informed on
the issue:

1. Visit the LB 753’s Nebraska Legislature webpage. Here you can read the bill, see proposed amendments,

and see its current legislative status.
2. Local media outlets are covering this bill. Here
's one article that summarizes
the debate.

3. Watch OPS Superintendent Dr. Cheryl Logan’s testimony in opposition of the
bill here
(note: Dr. Logan's testimony begins at 4:01:05). “If passed, LB 753
would annually divert $25 million from the general fund by granting tax credits
to those who attend private schools,” Logan stated.
This bill could have meaningful consequences to public education here in Nebraska, so
we encourage all those who value public education to get involved.

We are grateful to our local business members for supporting our efforts,

demonstrating that Washington is more than just a school, we are a community. 

Please patronize these businesses and click on each logo to find out more!

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